Just the right light

Many people often think that sunny, bright days make for great picture-taking weather. But, the opposite is really more of the truth. As outdoor portrait photographers, we love days that are cloudy, with diffused lighting. Such was the case Monday. I just arrived in Shelby to photograph Matt at the football field. To the north, back in Mason County, about 30 miles away, a storm was moving in. The lighting was perfect. So was our timing. Three minutes after we took the last photo the rain came down! – rob

Of hops and senior portraits

I can easily say that after photographing professionally for 25 years, this was the first time I ever held a senior portrait session in a hops field. This is Bethany from Grand Rapids. Her family owns a centennial farm on the eastern Mason County line in what is commonly known as Carr Settlement. They also own Carr Creek Hops Farm. It’s great to see the generations taking stock in the heritage of their family’s land.  – rob

Growing families

One of the most rewarding things about being a portrait photographer is to see families grow. We photographed Cory and Heather’s wedding in 2003 on the beach in Buttersville Park. Six years later we gathered to that same spot and photographed their young family. This month, just a day before they celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary, we met again. It’s amazing to see their children grow up. Can’t wait to meet at the beach again in a few years!