Your personality, your pictures

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined Senior portraits are a rite of passage. They are a celebration of 13 years of education and growing up into adulthood. We believe it’s important for these pictures to show a person’s personality. We photographed Adam of Shelby High School in several locations around Scottville and Ludington. One of my personal favorites is the picture of him with the guitar in the field.

Senior portrait sessions book up. Call us at 231.757.3202 or email to book your summer appointment.


Manistee sunset

undefined I have to admit, my patience is wearing thin on the cold, rainy/snowy weather we are having in mid-April here in northwestern Michigan. In late March, I can accept it, but I am ready for 50- to 60-degree days. However, as a photographer I appreciate dramatic weather. Sunday’s high winds looked like there was a chance of some drama along Lake Michigan’s shoreline. So, I decided to head up to Manistee to check out what Lake Michigan was doing there. As sunset got closer, the clouds went away (photographers like clouds, they are our friends). I was with my friend/mentor Ron. We drove to First Street beach first and then to Fifth Avenue beach on the north side of Manistee. We almost didn’t get out of the car, because there was no drama. But, a few moments before sunset, we decided we’d give it a try anyway. I actually was pleased with the colors of this sunset which had the character of a summer sunset with a little wave action.


Badger season begins soon!


We are only about six weeks away from the first sailing of 2011 of the SS Badger, one of my favorite things about summer in Ludington. For almost 60 years, the Badger has been sailing across Lake Michigan between Ludington and Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The ship is the icon of Ludington and brings thousands of visitors to our area every year. I took this photograph last fall as the Badger was coming into Ludington harbor on a rough September day.

– rob


For more information about the SS Badger, go to Big ship, more fun!


undefined I was walking out of a building the other night after a photograph assignment for the Ludington Daily News. The sun was setting but I wasn’t going to make it to the beach. Instead, I caught the setting sun reflecting in the large window that dominates the Ludington Center for the Arts.  – rob